Make payments using Tars

Is it possible to incorporate a payment facility through the chat bot? Is any integration with PayTM, PayPal, Stripe or any other payment service - possible?

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This is possible with a soft payment integration, where you can redirect the user to the payment link page at the end of the conversation. This payment link can have the necessary information about the user and the transaction like: user’s email, transaction amount etc…

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Everybody has been thinking it, but no one has said it yet :joy: I’m guessing you would need to pull the user’s responses from the bot and auto-fill the payment portion using those entries. This would be a great guide to add to the “how to” if it can be accomplished in some way by us mere mortals. Otherwise @vinit it would be interesting to eventually move to a platform style that accepts plugins, so people can develop plugins for TARS bots to accomplish these tasks. (That would be really cool)


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