No-follow the affiliate link of Tars branded links

HI there,

Can we make an option to toggle-on the tars branded affiliate links on the bots for adding nofollow attribute?

These follow links can be an issue for the site as it will eat the crawl budget of google bot or other search engine bots.

Generally, the affiliate links should have no-follow links that will make the client site perform better in the SERP. This is based on my research and experience.
Reference of nofollow attribute to the ahref links

And here is my clients bot, and the link I’m talking about is “powered by tars” it has to be nofollow link.

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks @thesureshg for this suggestion.
Makes sense.

Let us make this change and update.

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Awesome, can’t wait to go it live.

Can you keep me updated when this feature is pushed?