Product Feature Updates - Updated

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share this Product Updates Page with you, which ironically has not been updated for a while.
So this weekend I decided to go through our Git Commit History and locate and identify all the important code update that we have pushed in the year 2018 and added it here in simple readable language.

If you have recently binge watched a heart wrenching Netflix Series and don’t know what to do for the next 3 hours. Then take a look at this page:

[SPOILER ALERT]: As you’ll see near the end of this page, I still have to update all the product updates from the year 2016 and 2017. Maybe i’ll ruin another one of my weekends and go through all the GIT commit history for your pleasure.


I’m way too in to reading these updates. It’s like bringing a kid into a candy store but with cow excrement references.

Is it weird that I get excited about all these subtle features listed?


@Levi, you should start coding immediately.

You’ll love the changelog on popular open source projects.

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I’d love to, but I don’t have the time. But I would like to learn once I have some free time!


Gracias.:grin: A todos por elegirme es un orgullo que con un móvil haya conseguido esto en tan poco tiempo y sin idea de programación. QUERER ES PORDER . CARMELO

Also, found out your secret to coding (like the voice function to make bots read aloud) from Ish. That’s a mind-opening approach! :rofl:

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