SendGrid Integration Issue

I have tried and tried to get the sendgrid api integration to work. It will not complete the test in the TARS bot just before you select “Verify Integration”. Has something changed in this process that is not documented in the blog article?

I’ve tried the steps four different times. Generated new API keys. It simply spins indefinitely on Status: Loading…

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Hey @Levi,

I don’t think their API has changed, which will break the integration. Probably some issue with the Configuration. Will have to see the Bot and debug it. Why don’t you ping me on the live chat, and i will take a look.

You can also try and debug it yourself. You already know this debugging howto video, but let me put it again for others:

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Yeah, sorry. I forgot about using this in my excitement. I did already check off one of my 2018 goals for bots, and I’m on a rampage to learn new things and try new API integrations as fast as I can. So who can blame me? haha!

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Yes, Learning about Web APIs and how they work is the most rewarding way to start learning about tech. and programming. In fact I wrote an article about this some time back.

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Ah, so the API tutorial was the free sample. Next thing you know I’ll be making questionable requests on GitHub for my next fix.

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