Templates for service business

Do you have any templates that we can use? For example, News letter signs up or free consultation scheduling …


Hey @pilates
This is an interesting idea. To have a set of templates for service based businesses​, ready to use. Will add this somewhere in the dashboard. Can you please suggest some other use case.

We actually do have around 6-7 pre-set templates in your bot builder dashboard itself. Click on “Create a bot” and you should be able to see these templates. For newsletter signups or scheduling a consultation, “lead generation bot template” is the one you should use.

Other than that, we are building a repository of bots here - https://hellotars.com/bot-examples/
At a later stage, we will also give an option to use the bot examples as templates directly.


we could also use one for quality control and try to get yelp or google testimonials ( of course only the good ones )
We could ask if they were happy with the service 1 to 10, if yes ( 8 or above ) we could ask promoting it, if yes send it to google or yelp