User Behavior Analytics and tracking

Hello Tars Makers,

Have anyone here used tracking or analytics on their bots?
Similar to Google Analytics or other analytics tools?

For example:
Point of entry
Device ID
User session - ie if they did not finish the chat, where they left off?
User demographics.


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Hi Joe - have you tried out our recently launched Google Analytics integration wherein you can track all the user activity in the bot right in your GA dashboard.

Check out this help doc to know more -

Hi @joe,

Take a look at the help doc that @ish suggested on GA Integration and follow the setup process.
Let me know if this addresses what you are looking for. Otherwise just comment here on what can be improved in the current integration.

@ish @vinit Heh guys, thanks for adding the integration with Google Analytics!

This is super awesome! Now I can push the chat lead data into the custom Marketing dashboard I’d created.
Attached is example. This is built using Google Data Studio (GDS).

With the integration with Google analytics and chat event tag, now I can setup custom conversion goals!
Way cool guys… keep us the greatness!

I will be creating a chatbot for a dentist this week and will push the data to GDS.


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Wow @joe,

This dashboard looks like you are all set for your 3 year long mission to mars. :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad to see that you liked the new feature and are finding it useful. :smile:
Let me know how can we improve it.