What does 2019 look like?

The last 6 months have been a learning experience for us at Tars. We discovered after an experiment that the killer use case for chatbots that no one was talking about was pay per click landing pages. The state of PPC landing pages right now is bad.

Most of the traditional ones that you find, are text-heavy, mobile-unfriendly and they look plain spammy. Comparatively, chatbots offer a superior user experience that adds real value to both business owners and their customers alike.

As we have jumped deeper into the space, we have learned a lot about what goes into running paid digital ad campaigns, so to bring in the New Year, we decided to put our learnings to the test, and made 9 predictions about what we expect to see in the space in 2019.

Check it out over here: https://hellotars.com/blog/2019-ppc-marketing-trends/

We opened this thread to ask you guys what you expect to see in your respective industries in 2019, and if applicable, how you expect chatbots to figure in those plans?

Would love to know :slight_smile:


Yeah man, we have made a whole bunch of changes in the company and our focus in 2018. Something I feel was super valuable to learn more about the core value that our product can bring.

With PPC Chatbots, we are now laser focused on what we have to do. We are a lot of confident about the value that we are bringing to our customers and how are going to deliver that to them.

Going in 2019, we have a lot more clarity on what we want to acheive and how are going to approach it.

Would love to hear about others in the community about their plans for 20 19

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