ChatBots: Frontend as a Service

Hey guys,

I wrote an article around how ChatBots can be a great candidate for something which can be called a Generic Frontend as a Service. and it got published in Design Leadership Publication on Medium.

Basically the article talks about how you can launch a fully functional Product or Service over a ChatBot, without needing to spend time on designing, wire-framing and Prototyping the front face of an app. Which is still very painful and time consuming aspect of developing an app.

Check this article on medium. Would love to know your thoughts on this.

PS: If you like the article, feel free to drop some claps :slight_smile:


Very informative article @vinit, I am checking out Postman.
Are there any articles on Tars and Postman integration?

@sponge2 POSTMan is just an API Client.
In TARS the API-Config section is designed similar to POSTMan interface itself. So basically you have the whole POSTMan thing within the API-Config section itself for managing your API Calls, which is acting as an API Client in itself.

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Thanks for pointing it out. I missed that, because I have not explored API yet.

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